It doesn't appear that nanotechnology is going to bring an end to the world any time soon.
But for anyone interested in a more detailed analysis and in the results of my two months of pondering and researching this subject might want to look out for two things. First, there will be a survey of nanotechnology published in The Economist on January 1st... under the title "Small wonders". This will also be available online.
Secondly, I am also putting together a radio documentary with the BBC on nanotechnology, called 'Grey goo's sticky mess'. It is going to be broadcast in the UK on Radio 4 as part of their Analysis series. The first broadcast will be on Thursday 30th December, the second on Saturday 1st January at 9.30. Both times are pm. During the week of broadcast it will be possible to listen to a copy of the broadcast online.
Other recent news, in October of this year the agricultural organisation CGIAR gave me an award for a piece on fish farming I wrote a while ago. The blue revolution: the promise of fish farming, is available at